[page_header height=”360px” height__sm=”200px” align=”center” parallax_text=”2″ title=”Why Solar?” title_size=”xlarge” title_case=”uppercase” sub_title=”Cleanest source of energy.” nav_style=”simple” bg=”854″ bg_color=”rgb(73, 111, 132)” parallax=”4″]
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[title text=”How it works” margin_bottom=”0px”]
As with all Astrum Energy products, our solar systems are comprised of premium quality hardware sourced from leading brands, and come with maintenance, support and warranties.
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[title text=”Components of Solar System” margin_top=”39px” margin_bottom=”-14px”]
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[featured_box img=”847″ img_width=”40″ pos=”left” title=”Solar Panels”]
The solar panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity throughout the day..
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[featured_box img=”825″ img_width=”40″ pos=”left” title=”Charge Controller”]
The solar panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity throughout the day.
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[featured_box img=”824″ img_width=”40″ pos=”left” title=”Battery bank”]
This is the storage tank, designed to store the excess power produced by the panels during the day, and to provide power during the periods of low energy production and at night when the solar is not making power at all.
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[featured_box img=”836″ img_width=”40″ pos=”left” title=”Inverter”]
This device converts the DC electricity generated by the solar panels into the alternating current (AC) electricity.
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[featured_box img=”828″ img_width=”40″ pos=”left” title=”Electrical Panel”]
The AC electricity is sent from the inverter to your electrical panel to power your lights and appliances with solar energy. The electrical panel is often called a “breaker box.”when the solar is not making power at all.
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[featured_box img=”839″ img_width=”40″ pos=”left” title=”Energy Meter”]
The energy meter measures your energy use. It shows your system status at any time for both power production and storage, with good user interface.
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[title style=”center” text=”Learn more about the sun” size=”68″]
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