[page_header height=”360px” height__sm=”200px” align=”center” parallax_text=”2″ title_size=”xlarge” title_case=”uppercase” sub_title=”Manage your business, not your energy bills. Let’s help you with that” nav_style=”simple” bg=”1551″ bg_color=”rgb(73, 111, 132)”]

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[title text=”Our Solutions” margin_bottom=”0px”]

Solar Energy Investments Pay for Themselves over a short period, providing high return on investment within a short time. From 10KVA to 750KVA Solar power Generators, we can help your business reduce your energy cost

That is why organizations and businesses across Africa are reducing their energy costs using solar energy technology – Shouldn’t you do the same?

Take control of your energy costs with Nigeria’s #1 solar provider. We deploy highest quality solar PV systems that produce clean sustainable solar power for your business. We stand by our work long after our systems are deployed and you’ve turned on the power.





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[title text=”Our Packages” margin_bottom=”0px”]

Astrum energy has a range of bespoke solar powered systems to satisfy the energy needs of all businesses, from small offices, manufacturing plants to large business complexes. Our installation expertise covers a wide range of business and commercial premises, which include:


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